details: 'im a perfect human being'

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General information

Mini Map


team 1
Random» NightElfThomas-Ripper (green | 46 APM | 1116 actions | 24:28)
Hero icon 2 Demon Hunter
Ability icon 1 Immolation
Ability icon 1 Evasion

» actions
Assign group hotkey4
Basic commands23
Build / train75
Enter build submenu26
Enter hero's abilities submenu3
Remove unit from queue1
Right click484
Select / deselect371
Select group hotkey91
Use ability38
1116 total
» units
Glaive Thrower6
Druid of the Claw2
Troll Headhunter/Berserker8
66 total
» upgrades
Strength of the Wild2
Reinforced Hides2
4 total
» buildings
Altar of Elders2
Moon Well11
Ancient of War2
Hunter's Hall2
Ancient Protector3
Ancient of Wonders1
Tree of Ages1
Ancient of Lore2
Tree of Life1
25 total
» build order
00:22 Altar of Elders
00:40 Moon Well
01:29 Ancient of War
01:39 Moon Well
02:22 Ancient of War
02:43 Moon Well
03:39 Moon Well
04:26 Hunter's Hall
05:32 Hunter's Hall
06:54 Ancient Protector
07:09 Ancient Protector
08:07 Moon Well
09:37 Ancient Protector
10:36 Altar of Elders
12:11 Moon Well
12:18 Moon Well
13:10 Moon Well
13:20 Ancient of Wonders
13:28 Tree of Ages
14:30 Moon Well
15:37 Moon Well
16:56 Moon Well
17:29 Ancient of Lore
17:34 Ancient of Lore
23:17 Tree of Life
OrcTURTLE-MAN (purple | 62 APM | 1771 actions | 28:40)
Hero icon 5 Blademaster
Ability icon 3 Wind Walk
Ability icon 2 Critical Strike
Hero icon 5 Shadow Hunter
Ability icon 2 Hex
Ability icon 3 Healing Wave

» actions
Assign group hotkey41
Basic commands149
Build / train63
Enter build submenu13
Enter hero's abilities submenu10
Give item / drop item5
Remove unit from queue2
Right click696
Select / deselect177
Select group hotkey535
Use ability80
1771 total
» units
Wind Rider10
21 total
» upgrades
Envenomed Spears1
Ranged Weapons1
Reinforced Defenses1
Shaman Training2
6 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms1
Orc Burrow5
Voodoo Lounge1
War Mill1
Spirit Lodge1
14 total
» build order
00:38 Stronghold
00:50 Altar of Storms
01:32 Orc Burrow
02:03 Voodoo Lounge
03:45 Orc Burrow
04:08 Beastiary
04:30 Orc Burrow
05:30 Beastiary
08:51 Orc Burrow
08:53 Fortress
08:57 War Mill
12:26 Spirit Lodge
12:28 Orc Burrow
16:09 Beastiary
» items
Healing Salve3
Lesser Clarity Potion2
Potion of Mana1
Orb of Lightning1
Tiny Great Hall1
Boots of Speed1
Scroll of Town Portal3
Staff of Teleportation2
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability1
15 total
Random» NightElframpage- (red | 25 APM | 691 actions | 27:14)
Hero icon 3 Demon Hunter
Ability icon 1 Immolation
Ability icon 2 Evasion
Hero icon 2 Warden
Ability icon 1 Fan of Knives
Ability icon 1 Shadow Strike

» actions
Basic commands10
Build / train61
Enter build submenu19
Enter hero's abilities submenu5
Remove unit from queue3
Right click294
Select / deselect260
Use ability39
691 total
» units
Troll Headhunter/Berserker6
48 total
» upgrades
Corrosive Breath1
1 total
» buildings
Altar of Elders2
Moon Well8
Ancient of War1
Hunter's Hall1
Tree of Ages1
Tree of Eternity1
Ancient of Wind4
Chimaera Roost3
21 total
» build order
00:25 Altar of Elders
00:37 Moon Well
00:53 Ancient of War
01:52 Moon Well
03:36 Moon Well
03:43 Hunter's Hall
05:33 Tree of Ages
07:56 Tree of Eternity
08:45 Ancient of Wind
08:49 Moon Well
10:32 Chimaera Roost
10:38 Chimaera Roost
10:45 Chimaera Roost
12:13 Moon Well
12:36 Moon Well
14:11 Moon Well
15:42 Moon Well
21:07 Ancient of Wind
21:28 Altar of Elders
21:56 Ancient of Wind
22:41 Ancient of Wind
OrcHaWtCchiQenZ (pink | 46 APM | 919 actions | 20:07)
Hero icon 4 Blademaster
Ability icon 2 Wind Walk
Ability icon 2 Critical Strike
Hero icon 2 Shadow Hunter
Ability icon 1 Healing Wave
Ability icon 1 Hex

» actions
Assign group hotkey28
Basic commands106
Build / train46
Enter build submenu22
Enter hero's abilities submenu6
Right click406
Select / deselect204
Select group hotkey61
Use ability40
919 total
» units
Troll Headhunter/Berserker3
Troll Witch Doctor1
25 total
» upgrades
Berserker Strength1
Shaman Training2
Troll Regeneration1
Witch Doctor Training2
Berserker Upgrade1
9 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms1
Orc Burrow6
War Mill1
Voodoo Lounge1
Watch Tower2
Spirit Lodge2
Tauren Totem1
18 total
» build order
00:07 Altar of Storms
00:13 Orc Burrow
00:54 Orc Burrow
01:30 Barracks
03:07 War Mill
03:51 Voodoo Lounge
03:53 Orc Burrow
04:29 Watch Tower
05:06 Stronghold
07:37 Orc Burrow
08:51 Spirit Lodge
09:30 Orc Burrow
10:24 Fortress
10:30 Spirit Lodge
11:48 Barracks
13:30 Tauren Totem
14:50 Watch Tower
16:12 Orc Burrow
» items
Scroll of Town Portal1
Scroll of Protection1
2 total
team 2
Humangfwetrvfwfref (orange | 63 APM | 1808 actions | 28:40)
Hero icon 2 Mountain King
Ability icon 1 Storm Bolt
Ability icon 1 Bash

» actions
Basic commands3
Build / train57
Enter build submenu24
Enter hero's abilities submenu2
Right click1257
Select / deselect397
Use ability68
1808 total
» units
31 total
» buildings
Lumber Mill1
Scout Tower18
Guard Tower19
Altar of Kings1
Arcane Tower1
Town Hall3
45 total
» build order
00:03 Lumber Mill
00:37 Scout Tower
00:38 Scout Tower
00:39 Scout Tower
00:40 Scout Tower
01:05 Guard Tower
01:06 Guard Tower
01:07 Guard Tower
01:39 Guard Tower
01:53 Farm
02:01 Scout Tower
02:03 Scout Tower
02:34 Guard Tower
02:34 Guard Tower
02:37 Guard Tower
02:37 Guard Tower
02:37 Guard Tower
03:09 Scout Tower
04:02 Scout Tower
04:12 Altar of Kings
04:14 Farm
04:19 Scout Tower
04:22 Guard Tower
04:30 Scout Tower
04:31 Guard Tower
04:36 Scout Tower
04:49 Arcane Tower
04:57 Guard Tower
05:04 Guard Tower
05:04 Guard Tower
05:10 Scout Tower
05:13 Scout Tower
05:29 Scout Tower
05:40 Guard Tower
05:41 Guard Tower
09:25 Scout Tower
09:41 Guard Tower
09:46 Scout Tower
15:41 Town Hall
18:31 Scout Tower
18:47 Scout Tower
19:03 Town Hall
20:09 Town Hall
» items
Potion of Healing1
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability1
Boots of Speed1
3 total
HumanTheRealPrime (teal | 39 APM | 1110 actions | 28:40)
Hero icon 4 Paladin
Ability icon 2 Holy Light
Ability icon 2 Divine Shield

» actions
Assign group hotkey12
Basic commands4
Build / train34
Enter build submenu14
Enter hero's abilities submenu4
Give item / drop item2
Remove unit from queue5
Right click758
Select / deselect121
Select group hotkey109
Use ability47
1110 total
» units
Gryphon Rider1
17 total
» upgrades
Storm Hammers0
2 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings2
Lumber Mill1
Gryphon Aviary4
15 total
» build order
00:31 Altar of Kings
00:33 Altar of Kings
00:38 Barracks
00:41 Farm
01:49 Farm
01:56 Farm
05:12 Keep
05:15 Lumber Mill
05:23 Blacksmith
05:29 Farm
08:04 Castle
08:07 Gryphon Aviary
08:10 Gryphon Aviary
08:12 Gryphon Aviary
08:15 Gryphon Aviary
» items
Scroll of Town Portal1
Scroll of Healing1
Boots of Speed1
3 total
Human15starwars (blue | 26 APM | 732 actions | 28:40)
Hero icon 3 Mountain King
Ability icon 2 Storm Bolt
Ability icon 1 Bash

» actions
Basic commands5
Build / train34
Enter build submenu17
Enter hero's abilities submenu3
Remove unit from queue7
Right click421
Select / deselect203
Use ability41
732 total
» units
19 total
» upgrades
0 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings3
Lumber Mill1
Scout Tower6
Arcane Vault1
Guard Tower1
Town Hall1
18 total
» build order
00:10 Altar of Kings
00:33 Farm
02:08 Farm
04:30 Barracks
04:39 Lumber Mill
05:03 Scout Tower
05:04 Scout Tower
05:11 Scout Tower
05:12 Scout Tower
05:13 Scout Tower
05:21 Scout Tower
06:08 Arcane Vault
06:10 Guard Tower
07:24 Farm
07:25 Farm
08:22 Altar of Kings
16:01 Altar of Kings
21:43 Town Hall
» items
Scroll of Regeneration1
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability1
Boots of Speed1
3 total
NightElf2064265555 (yellow | 29 APM | 844 actions | 28:40)
Hero icon 3 Demon Hunter
Ability icon 2 Mana Burn
Ability icon 1 Evasion
Hero icon 2 Priestess of the Moon
Ability icon 1 Scout
Ability icon 1 Trueshot Aura

» actions
Basic commands9
Build / train76
Enter build submenu29
Enter hero's abilities submenu5
Remove unit from queue2
Right click332
Select / deselect299
Use ability92
844 total
» units
Glaive Thrower1
Druid of the Talon2
Faerie Dragon1
58 total
» upgrades
Improved Bows1
Abolish Magic1
2 total
» buildings
Altar of Elders2
Moon Well11
Ancient of War4
Tree of Ages1
Ancient of Wonders1
Hunter's Hall2
Ancient of Lore1
Ancient of Wind2
Tree of Life2
Ancient Protector3
29 total
» build order
00:18 Altar of Elders
00:28 Moon Well
01:23 Ancient of War
01:44 Ancient of War
03:52 Moon Well
03:56 Moon Well
04:04 Tree of Ages
04:07 Moon Well
05:51 Ancient of Wonders
05:57 Moon Well
06:02 Hunter's Hall
08:47 Ancient of Lore
10:54 Ancient of Wind
13:48 Moon Well
13:52 Ancient of Wind
13:56 Moon Well
14:00 Moon Well
14:31 Moon Well
14:39 Moon Well
14:40 Moon Well
18:59 Tree of Life
22:40 Tree of Life
23:18 Altar of Elders
24:06 Hunter's Hall
24:39 Ancient of War
24:51 Ancient of War
25:15 Ancient Protector
25:20 Ancient Protector
25:28 Ancient Protector
» items
Scroll of Town Portal1
Potion of Healing2
Dust of Appearance1
Potion of Mana1
6 total

Chat log

(00:19 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: they 3 human
(00:27 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: gonna prob rush id imagine they saw 2 orc
(00:28 / Allies) rampage-: then they rush
(00:33 / Allies) TURTLE-MAN: straight tech on outside 4 me
(00:38 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: dont lol
(00:41 / Allies) rampage-: plz dont
(00:55 / Allies) rampage-: why
(01:00 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: they rush
(01:02 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: with 2 orc
(01:04 / Allies) TURTLE-MAN: im depending you 3 gentlemen to protect me
(01:07 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: if the NE tech against Hu wel ose
(01:11 / Allies) rampage-: why
(01:22 / Allies) TURTLE-MAN: its a team game and dependability is key to victory
(01:23 / Allies) rampage-: im about to leave
(01:33 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: 3v3 tech works
(01:37 / Allies) TURTLE-MAN: dont leave red we got this
(01:38 / Allies) rampage-: or just tk u
(01:40 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: WHich they will
(01:49 / Allies) Thomas-Ripper: i see
(02:03 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: dont tech
(02:05 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: they towering
(02:06 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: get units
(02:06 / Allies) Thomas-Ripper: towering
(02:07 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: and we win
(02:07 / Allies) rampage-: to late
(02:08 / Allies) TURTLE-MAN: too latelolz
(02:13 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: we said
(02:13 / Allies) TURTLE-MAN: wood plz for wyverns
(02:14 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: from start
(02:14 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: not to
(02:15 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: baddie
(02:16 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: nope

(03:24 / Allies) TURTLE-MAN: nice scouting
(03:26 / Allies) TURTLE-MAN: job there
(03:56 / Allies) TURTLE-MAN: ill be there in 30 sec
(04:12 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: we can hit
(04:13 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: and poss win
(04:18 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: if they leave
(04:38 / Allies) rampage-: go ponk
(04:47 / Allies) TURTLE-MAN: dont ignore green!
(05:01 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: im gonna try to force a tp
(05:03 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: to get them off him
(05:25 / Allies) rampage-: green make towers
(05:46 / Allies) Thomas-Ripper: they wont let me make a hall
(05:47 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: b
(06:08 / Allies) TURTLE-MAN: we can take it
(06:09 / Allies) TURTLE-MAN: come
(07:06 / All) TheRealPrime: yellow get back u dumbass
(07:18 / Allies) TURTLE-MAN: brb nigga
(07:50 / All) gfwetrvfwfref: pwnt

(10:08 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: ?
(10:13 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: before they get hippos
(10:14 / Allies) TURTLE-MAN: im gonna creep lolz
(10:18 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: they can get ez a
(10:20 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: aa
(10:43 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: green gj

(12:16 / All) TURTLE-MAN: wimp
(12:41 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: we doing significant dmg to each
(12:53 / Allies) TURTLE-MAN: who is we
(12:56 / Allies) TURTLE-MAN: they havent done shit
(12:58 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: lol
(13:07 / Allies) rampage-: i kept oj donw
(13:36 / Allies) Thomas-Ripper: im free lol
(13:45 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: ya u did good
(14:03 / Allies) Thomas-Ripper: took awhile

(15:22 / All) rampage-: whats up now oj
(15:36 / 10) TURTLE-MAN: u here?
(15:39 / 10) TURTLE-MAN: i wan tto stab my team
(15:42 / 10) TURTLE-MAN: say yes if u understand
(15:48 / All) 2064265555: yup
(15:52 / All) 2064265555: do it!
(15:54 / 10) TURTLE-MAN: i need u to buy me time tower up

(17:01 / All) rampage-: we did it now what
(17:16 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: lol
(17:18 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: i minimize
(17:23 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: come back and am hero nuked
(17:59 / 10) TURTLE-MAN: hide shit
(18:04 / 10) TURTLE-MAN: near my base
(18:06 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: purple
(18:06 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: lol
(18:08 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: plz dont do that
(18:19 / Allies) rampage-: wtf purpe
(18:20 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: no reason for it
(18:36 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: u get xp off teamates lol wtf
(19:10 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: purple
(19:11 / Allies) rampage-: wtf dude
(19:14 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: why would u waste all our time
(19:15 / All) TURTLE-MAN: fuck uniggers lolz
(19:16 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: litereally
(19:20 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: lol
(19:23 / All) TURTLE-MAN: hide shit guys
(19:24 / All) gfwetrvfwfref: stop acting black
(19:29 / Allies) HaWtCchiQenZ: like i dont care about loss
(19:31 / Allies) rampage-: wow
(19:35 / All) gfwetrvfwfref: you are no negro
(19:43 / All) TURTLE-MAN: blue move ur footie asshole im on ur team now
(19:59 / All) 15starwars: really? hmm
(20:03 / All) TURTLE-MAN: im killing my team
(20:08 / All) TURTLE-MAN: red base gone scout it
(20:16 / Allies) rampage-: you better believe next time i see you you get tked every time
(20:17 / All) TURTLE-MAN: red ur a nigger
(20:33 / All) gfwetrvfwfref: hd iks
(20:39 / All) rampage-: ok fag get tk from now on fag
(21:12 / All) TURTLE-MAN: sorry green nothin gpersonal
(21:15 / All) TURTLE-MAN: red talked shit to me
(21:19 / All) TURTLE-MAN: when i clearly was better than him
(21:26 / All) TURTLE-MAN: red i could beat u with
(21:34 / All) TURTLE-MAN: one hand
(21:35 / All) TURTLE-MAN: lolz
(21:46 / All) rampage-: ok kid 1v1 me and well see
(22:08 / All) TURTLE-MAN: i already have
(22:15 / All) TURTLE-MAN: no need to hide shit guys
(22:18 / All) TURTLE-MAN: they have noothing
(22:33 / All) TURTLE-MAN: u act like i dont see u rebuilding red
(22:36 / All) TURTLE-MAN: wtf is wrong with u
(22:40 / All) TURTLE-MAN: u think im ignorant?
(22:45 / All) rampage-: yes
(23:39 / All) TURTLE-MAN: kill those wisps teal
(23:57 / All) TURTLE-MAN: nice try red
(23:59 / All) TURTLE-MAN: im not sutpid
(24:12 / All) rampage-: yes you are
(24:21 / All) TURTLE-MAN: im not kidding red
(24:24 / All) TURTLE-MAN: i can beat u with one hand
(24:27 / All) TURTLE-MAN: maybe even 1 finger
(24:36 / All) TURTLE-MAN: ill le tu keep ur hero red
(24:38 / All) TURTLE-MAN: that i sit
(24:40 / Allies) rampage-: lets go
(24:59 / All) rampage-: you wont cause yo uno you can not beat me
(25:14 / All) rampage-: that is what i thougt
(25:23 / All) TURTLE-MAN: wwatch ur tone red
(25:27 / All) rampage-: fucking pussy
(25:29 / All) TURTLE-MAN: they called me the grim reaper in high school
(25:47 / All) rampage-: lol yeah cuase you were that ugly

(27:31 / All) TURTLE-MAN: if u guys admit i am a perfect human being i will leave immediately
(27:43 / All) TheRealPrime: i admit
(27:46 / All) gfwetrvfwfref: youre a perfect human being
(27:50 / All) TURTLE-MAN: blue?
(27:53 / All) TURTLE-MAN: admit it and i leave
(28:04 / All) 2064265555: i cant seen anything wrong with you
(28:11 / All) TURTLE-MAN: get blue to come back
(28:20 / All) 15starwars: afk
(28:22 / All) gfwetrvfwfref: k
(28:24 / All) 15starwars: ya sure
(28:26 / All) TURTLE-MAN: say im a perfect human being blue
(28:30 / All) 15starwars: u r